Q&A with Aria Bella

Hello everyone,

Today I have planned to share my interview with Julia a.k.a Aria-Bella. She is an inspiring person who aims to lead and help people towards their spiritual journey. She is a psychic, intuitive medium and angelic healer for both humans and animals. I am extremely lucky to get to talk with her.


Hello Aria, Welcome to my Blog Interview. I hope you enjoy this session with me 🙂 🙂

  • Please introduce yourself and share a few words about your blog with our readers.

Hi everyone, My name is Julia, Otherwise known as Aria-Bella. My blog is about leading you back to Soul, back to Source and talking about very human issues while hopefully bring a bit of inspiration and aha moments too.

  • What made you start this blog on Spirituality? Please elaborate.

I was going through my own big awakening, getting through the darkest moments of my panic disorder and just knew that I had to share my thoughts, my learnings and my channeled messages from the unseen helpers.

I wanted to share that people were not alone, and rather than talk on only the negatives, I wanted to shed light on the positives of everything I was going through, even though some of them were buried quite deep, in the hope that it brought peace, gave someone hope, or got them to look at their own life a little differently.

We all like knowing that we are not alone in this world in what we are feeling and going through.

  • Is there a difference between being religious and spiritual?

Oh yes! Everyone has their viewpoints on what religion and spirituality means to them, and everyone is entitled to enjoy one, both or the other.

To me, while they are closely linked, and really should be one and the same. Unfortunately I have found, in only my opinion of course, that humans have skewed the words and teachings of religion, into something that suits them and built a big massive foundation to serve that purpose. There is nothing wrong with that but I find I am not too keen on their inclusions and exclusions etc.

To me, both religion and spirituality is all based on Love – love of self, Love of others, Love of our Earth, Love of the unseen. It is about coming from this place of Love, our soul, and living life that way.

  • Share about your books and which book inspired you to begin writing?

I have a book called Angelical Wisdoms; Messages to nourish the soul which I absolutely adore. It is a small hardback book (so you can cart it around everywhere with you) that has short messages from the Angels. It is designed, similar to oracle cards (but with no pictures), so you can close your eyes and ask what you need to know for the day, open to a page and read the words – letting them sink in and revive the soul! It is designed so ANYONE can enjoy it, from those that are spiritually inclined, to those that just need a bit of inspiration, a bit of a hug, a boost to add some pep to their step.

Very shortly (anytime now) I also have Animal Wisdoms; Messages to ignite the soul – this one is designed exactly the same way as Angelical Wisdoms, but instead of the Angels imparting their wisdom, the Animals have shared their words. I cannot wait for this to be released onto the world! They have sooo much wisdom to impart on us.

Hmm there isn’t one book that inspired me, I always had that knowing that I would be an author. It was always followed by a ‘yeah right’ which is why I started blogging in the first place, as it was a place to get down my words, without needing to think of what I could fill a whole book with, he he.

Authors that have inspired me throughout my journey are Louise Hay – her books have always been a catalyst of beautiful evolvement for me, they bring so many aha moments and YES moments, a few doh moments to, if I am honest.

I love Doreen Virtue’s works and have probably nearly every oracle card she has ever created sitting in my bookcase.

Other beautiful souls are Wayne Dyer, Gala Darling, Anita Moorjani and the list goes on… I am a very avid reader!

  • How important is healing to a person? Could you share some of your healing techniques with us?

Oh my goodness, it is the most important thing you will ever do for yourself!! I include in this, that you are usually healing back to loving yourself, which is the greatest bloody gift you can give to yourself.

Hmm healing techniques.. There are many that I incorporate, some stay and some I just come back to when needed.

Gratitude work is essential, if you can find time to be grateful in your day, it is a moment in time when you are not being negative.

Listening to your ‘shitty’ parts – seriously most of our mental health issues, our body issues etc – all come because we do not listen to our so called shitty parts, we do not step into our bodies, or into what is going on and do not deal with the emotions and feelings. Usually that is all it is, trapped emotions that you keep stuffing down and not looking at, all of a sudden wanting to make a BIG appearance, and what happens if you keep ignoring – they turn into big problems. It is also embracing all of our so called bad parts – they all have wisdom to share ALWAYS!

Mirror work is good. Nothing as hard as looking into your own eye and starting the work back to you, back to really seeing you and loving you just as you are.

Realising there is NOTHING wrong with you. Oh boy, we try to fix so many things that are so called wrong with us, but what would happen if we just shrugged and embraced the hell out of what was ‘wrong’ with us – magic happens, I can tell you. The best thing I ever did for my panic attacks was accepting that there was nothing wrong with me.

Healing Voices – Now while these are my own work, well technically they are not as they are divinely channeled, I must talk about them. Healing voices is exactly what it is. They are audio recordings, either for a specific topic or person that have been divinely channeled by a Guardian Angel – POWERFUL. They start a process at your cellular level that just cracks you wide open for healing and most importantly learning. They can go deeper each time, or uncover different things each and every time you use them. And the thing I love most about them? The responsibility is still on you. Yes they will start healing you at a level you cannot even imagine, but they also show you what you need to acknowledge, do, in order to really heal, and make miracles happen. There is no point to healing, if you are not putting in some effort and work as well. So I always call them a co-creation and how much you evolve from them, is entirely up to you.

  • What is spiritual detox? How important it is for the wellbeing of a person?What can you we about it? 

Sooo I kinda feel that if you do basic stuff each and every day, you shouldn’t need to ‘detox’ unless it has been a big, hard as hell day.

But spiritual detox, or how to know if you need a detox – you feel shitty as hell basically ha ha. Your mind is racing, although not one major thing is springing to mind. Everything little thing has gotten to you today, even though maybe normally it wouldn’t. You may be feeling a little disconnected to yourself and the world. You start or continue with the ‘woe is me’ mentality and basically shit is just shit.

Get off social media, take a walk outside, do some grounding, meditate, write down a gratitude list, be nice for no reason. The list is endless and I feel if you incorporate a little of this into your every day life, you won’t need to detox so severely.

  • What do you like to do when you’re not writing?

I am a furbaby mama so I looooove my dogs. Like my world revolves around my furry children! I also love doing spiritual things just for myself and my own wellbeing. I read, like a lot. And I will let you in on a little secret but I LOVE love LOVE romance, chick lit novels – any kind, rockstars, jocks, fantasy, you name it, I will read it. I love soaking up other experiences and emotions and reading provides that. I also love spending time with my partner, family and friends, in as quiet a location as possible! I also love being out in nature, of any kind, I am not fussy 🙂

  • Do you believe in Angels? What inspired you to share the angel messages? How often do you communicate with angels?

YES YES YES!! Can you imagine if I said no hahahaha. I’ll happily share here, that this is actually my first human incarnation (Scary I tell you) and before that I was a Guardian angel myself, so I can’t not believe and I cannot not communicate with them, otherwise I just feel like something is missing.

It was one of those random moments, where I was already sharing info in different ways and formats and one of my besties said my app is no longer working sooo you need to start giving me Numerology messages from the Angels please, and I said okay and started straight away, and never looked back! I had no idea what I was doing, but I just ask the question to the Angels and out pops the messages each day. What was even funnier is my mentor years ago said I would do something with numerology and was like, no I don’t think so and now who is laughing. Never discount a random comment as even if it doesn’t happen in the traditional sense, it still may come to pass.

I communicate daily if I am completely honest. Whether it is with content for Aria-Bella Rises, or my books, getting some guidance for myself or just to say hi and I love you.

  • What is the 7-Day Angel series about?

The 7 day Angel series, LOVE!! Even if I do say so myself!!

It is literally 7 days receiving glorious Angel juju in your inbox!! I have taken 7 messages from my Angelical Wisdoms book and voice recorded them for your ears listening pleasure. I have also fleshed them out with some guidance and insights in the email, to get you thinking and working a little more with the message each day.

  • How often do you meditate? Share with us your meditation ritual?

I used to be an absolute shocker at meditation, like suckier than the suckiest. But then I found some that really helped and haven’t looked back. While I would like to say I am a good girl and do it every day, I don’t always, well not in the traditional sense anyway.

My biggest ritual now, I go and sit outside, usually dragging all of my pooches with me, we snuggle up under a blanket, unless it is hot of course and all I do is just tune in. What can I hear around me? What can I feel? How am I feeling? I really love mindfulness because you don’t necessarily have to be eyes closed, listening to a track for a specific amount of time. You can do it anywhere and while you are doing anything, as long as you become present.

  • As a child, what did you want to do when you grew up?

Sooo many things! A post office worker, because I loved shuffling through piles of letters. A teacher because I wanted to help kids. A bank teller because I loved playing with money and how they got to type in numbers. A flight attendant because it seemed so glamorous when I was a kid. A librarian because hello surrounded by books all day long!

  • What is your message to the world?

You are perfectly imperfect exactly as you are, right here, right now! There is nothing needed to be fixed or changed, just maybe a gentle evolvement back to Soul.

Birthday: 2nd June 1980
Star Sign:  Gemini 🙂
Where: Western Australia

That was a lovely talk with you.Thank you Julia for giving in your precious time to my blog Q&A. We are glad to have you here 🙂 🙂


Follow her for more updates. You can find her on other social media as well:

Blog: Aria Bella Rises

Instagram: Aria Bella Rises

Facebook: Aria-Bella Rises

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